News & Events

Rebound Orthopedics & Neurosurgery is often featured in area news media as a recognized expert in orthopedics and neurosurgery. Be sure to bookmark this page and check back often to see the latest news and events on Rebound Orthopedics & Neurosurgery.

  • The thought of walking down or climbing up a flight of stairs brings you fatigue. You base the majority of your daily activity decisions on the level of pain they will induce. Something as simple as sitting causes discomfort. Does all of this sound…
  • Exercise is an important part of maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle, but it also holds significance for those living with spinal pain. Back pain is very common, affecting around 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives. While anyone…
  • How many hours per day are you seated at a desk, most likely staring at a computer monitor? There is probably a good chance that you’re coming close to double digits, if not exceeding them on occasion. Orthopedic health ties into your work life more…
  • Drills for Desk Warriors (PDF) Keep your bones and joints healthy with these helpful drills for desk warriors from American Bone Health.
  • Food can play an important role in your orthopedic health. When it comes to foods that help you build a healthy and strong musculoskeletal system, what is the first thing that usually comes to mind? You’d probably say “milk.” It isn’t just about the…
  • Starting the New Year out right is something we all strive for. This month, we’re going to focus on helping you make your resolutions happen, starting with tips and resources for developing an orthopedic health exercise plan. Regular exercise can…
  • If you’re experiencing pain or limitations in mobility in your spine, shoulder, hip, knee, foot or ankle, you may be suffering unnecessarily from a condition that physical therapy can alleviate or eliminate. We recommend contacting your doctor to…
  • Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Dysfunction can be difficult to diagnose. That’s because the SI joints are so close to the hip bones and lumbar spine. It’s not uncommon for SI Joint Dysfunction to be mistaken for a herniated or bulging disc, or for any number…
  • Over the course of a lifetime, our feet and ankles can take a real pounding. Ankles in particular return 50 percent more energy per step than hips and knees, so it’s not surprising that we treat a fair amount of foot and ankle arthritis in our…
  • At Rebound, we’re big fans of teen sports. Teen athletes are generally healthy, motivated individuals who learn early on that exercise is an important part of life. Unfortunately, because we’re an orthopedic practice, a lot of the teen athletes we…