Patient Testimonial - 1520349647-Dennis
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I wouldn't recommend this any more than Dr. Roberts would. But, I had bi-lateral total knee replacement surgery in 2008. Last year I skied more than one hundred days! I also mountain biked for another thirty or forty days.
My wife, Carol, participated throughout the planning and preparation as well as the recovery from surgery, which was crucial. We both developed enormous respect for Dr. Roberts as a person and as a surgeon. His integrity and wisdom were evidenced throughout the process and was reflected by the attitudes and standards of his staff.
Miracles happened twice with Dr. Roberts in our lives. One year ago my wife had bilateral total knee replacement surgery. And with her drive and the inspiration of Dr. Roberts and his staff, she is raring to go too. She will be back skiing with me this year.
I would absolutely recommend Dr. Roberts for total knee replacement. I encourage anyone wanting to reclaim their life to make a commitment to themselves to come back strong to do the things they love.