patient stories & testimonials

As the region’s most preferred orthopedic and neurosurgery practice, we are dedicated to providing the highest level of treatment for all your bone, joint, muscle, and nerve-related needs.

Since 1969, we have been honored to deliver specialized care to help our patients restore their strength, reclaim their lives, and rebound. We are proud and privileged to be part of your story, and we invite you to explore the stories shared below by past and current patients who have gone on to rebound.

patient water skiing

Tom, a competitive water skier for over 40 years, suffered a severe knee injury where he broke his tibia, fibula and tore his MCL. Over the years, the repair and his knee wore out and his arthritis got progressively worse. After a series of hyaluronic acid injections and other therapies, Tom made the decision to schedule an appointment with Dr. Donald Roberts at Rebound Orthopedics & Neurosurgery based on high recommendations from friends and their excellent results.

Tom underwent a total knee replacement in December 2018. "The surgery went very well and the team at Salmon Creek Hospital was amazing. Thanks to Mike Baer at the Lake Oswego office my recovery was remarkable. Mike always provided the perfect mix of challenge and restraint. He allowed me to push as hard as I could without going too far. His knowledge and experience were greatly appreciated," says Tom.

Tom's goal after surgery was to be able to water ski by summer, and he started skiing again in March. "I started out slowly and was pretty conscious of how I felt. By May I was pretty comfortable and started getting ready for tournaments. I skied my first tournament in July and had the highest score in my age group. It felt good to be back and pain-free," shares Tom.

Are you ready to get back to doing what you love like Tom? To schedule an appointment, please call (360) 254-6161 or request an appointment online here.

patient standing next to mountain bike

Patrick, an avid kiteboarder, mountain biker, cross country skier, hiker, and swimmer had abused his knees over the years. Between these activities and more, he suffered a torn ACL, multiple partial meniscectomies, and a lateral release. Patrick met a Hood River resident on the beach in Los Barriles who had done a huge amount of research on knee replacements and determined that Dr. Borus and Rebound was the optimum place. With the instability, pain, and swelling becoming too much, Patrick finally made the decision to seek treatment and schedule an appointment at Rebound Orthopedics & Neurosurgery.

Patrick underwent a bilateral knee replacement where both knees were replaced at the same time. "It was really important to me that I find a doctor who would do both of my knees at once. I am a time-obsessed Type A personality and the thought of going through two separate time-consuming rehabilitations was anathema to me. I was so glad that Dr. Borus was willing to do both at once and I will be returning to all of my favorite activities without having to take another four months off for another surgery," says Patrick.

Although only a few months post-surgery, Patrick has been extremely pleased with the results so far. He has been able to resume riding his bike and swimming, as well as walking, yard work, and gardening.

"One of my passions for the past 35 years has been road and mountain biking. I was thinking that I might not be able to resume riding my bike until several months after surgery, but after riding a recumbent bike at physical therapy for a week or so, I was actually able to get on my bike and ride eight miles without significant pain or difficulty," shares Patrick.

Patrick sees his surgeries as great successes and happily reports that he was able to resume his activities just five weeks after his double bilateral knee replacement.

Are you ready to get back to doing what you love like Patrick? To schedule an appointment, please call (360) 254-6161 or request an appointment online here.

patient hiking on mountain

"Wanted to let you know how well my knees are doing! I've been hiking a lot and climbing mountains this summer. This picture is from on top of the Matterhorn (elevation 9826') in the Eagle Cap Wilderness only 6 months after partial knee replacement and 8 months after ACL reconstruction. A big thank you for helping me get back to doing what I love!" – Randy Greenshields

Randy, an avid hiker, hunter, horseback rider, and mountain biker, had lost his ability to run or do the activities that he enjoyed due to chronic knee pain and swelling. After trying over-the-counter home remedies and talking to his friends and family, Randy made the decision to schedule an appointment at Rebound Orthopedics & Neurosurgery based on their great reputation and a high recommendation from a friend that's a retired orthopedic surgeon.

Randy underwent both an ACL reconstruction on one knee and a partial knee replacement on the other knee within seven weeks of each other. "Both of them went great! The surgeries were no piece of cake to recover from, but totally worth it to get relief from the chronic pain that was keeping me from my passions," says Randy.

Although Randy ideally wanted to be completely healed and back to hiking immediately following his surgeries, he understood that his recovery was going to take some time. He credits the Rebound team with helping him prepare for what was going to happen by keeping his leg muscles in good shape prior to surgery with prehab exercises on a stationary bike. Randy worked hard at his post-operative physical therapy regimen and was back to hiking to the top of the mountains in no time.

Randy sees his surgeries as great successes and happily reports that he was back to hiking to the tops of mountains, riding horses, and bike riding already, just six months since his partial knee replacement surgery!

"I really appreciate the entire team that helped prep me for my surgeries, helped complete the surgeries, and gave me the tools for a fast recovery back to doing what I love," says Randy. "A huge thank you to both Dr. Borus and Dr. Southerland and their teams for a great experience!"

Are you ready to get back to doing what you love like Randy? To schedule an appointment, please call (360) 254-6161 or request an appointment online here.

  • I have had two bad knees for at least 30 years and only recently discovered a very arthritic left hip. After the hip discovery it was decided to replace hip first. This entire process from initial appointment with Dr. Sparling, hip school, hip replacement surgery, physical therapy and follow-on visits were all flawless. One of the best parts was everyone always letting me know what to expect. Very reassuring to have this knowledge to successfully move forward. This process continued very seamlessly with Dr. Roberts on my knee replacements. The education process was equally important during this knee replacement. I had one knee replacement on my left knee and a hardware removal on my right knee. Several months later I followed up with a right knee replacement.

    Rebound is the finest group of orthopedic professionals around. Truly a professional, caring and very skilled team of medical specialists. Thank you to all for offering excellent care and advice during all of the procedures. I would recommend Rebound and especially Drs. Roberts and Sparling to anyone looking for excellent orthopedic care.


  • I just wanna report how absolutely comfortable I am...and how wonderful my entire experience has been from the first pre op appointment. I have such peace... I feel so confident in my recovery...I am way more pain free than I expected to be at this point in time. Thank you Rebound and Thank you Dr Roberts!!!I just wanna report how absolutely comfortable I am...and how wonderful my entire experience has been from the first pre op appointment. I have such peace... I feel so confident in my recovery...I am way more pain free than I expected to be at this point in time. Thank you Rebound and Thank you Dr Roberts!!!

    -Greg A.

  • I did the operation on February 10 by the end of May I started playing tennis again I am very pleased with outcome and I am glad that I having no pain in my knees even after playing tennis for couple of hours. Dr. Roberts was amazing and I am glad he is the one I chose to do this operation.

    -Wally J.

  • I had two bad knees and Dr. Roberts replaced first the right knee, then years later the left knee. He is the best!!! Surgeries went well, the physical therapy was fantastic. Then a few years later Dr. Sparling replaced my hips six months apart and I had no trouble at all. Didn't need any physical therapy. Both of the doctors are excellent! I would recommend them to anyone!

    -Judy F.

  • I can't say enough about Dr. Roberts and his team. I had 2 bad knees for many years but couldn't be "the patient" as I was taking care of my ailing mother and husband. I'm a tennis player and the pain was keeping me off the court. I couldn't travel, or even shop with girlfriends . I found being on my feet for any amount of time to be problematic. As soon as I was able, I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Roberts who immediately inspired confidence. "Let's get you back on the tennis courts and out of pain" was basically his approach. I wasn't going to argue with that!! I had double knee replacement December of 2014 and was back on the courts in a few months. I live alone and all of my fears about doing this surgery were addressed by Dr. Roberts and everything he told me was spot on. My tennis team brought me dinners, I got rides to physical therapy for 3 weeks, but I managed quite well. What capable and confident hands I was in!! I had everything I needed. Great bedside manner, a caring and responsive staff, surgeon extraordinaire, what more could you ask for? I would do it again in a heartbeat. One surgery, one recovery, 2 new knees, ready for tennis and travel!! If you are thinking about doing both at the same time, don't hesitate with this capable, experienced ream. They are fabulous!

    -Ann C.

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